Operational Privacy Policy

As a company that provides a range of educational products and services, we necessarily gather personal educational information from our customers and use that information in various ways. We gather personal information directly from our customers during the course of doing business with them over the phone or in person. This policy applies to the use of the information we gather directly from our customers over the phone or face-to-face, and does not govern the manner in which we use information provided to us online. Please click here to view our online privacy policy.

How We Use Information

We use your personal information largely for our own business purposes, but in some instances may choose to share your personal information, and federal law gives you the right to limit some but not all sharing. Federal law also requires us to tell you how we collect, share, and protect your personal information. Please read this notice carefully to understand what we do when you become our customer. The types of personal information we collect and share depend on the product or service you have with us. This information can include:

Social Security number and income. Credit card account numbers, balances, and payment history. Information regarding bank accounts, securities accounts, and similar information. The above information that pertains to other members of your household.

Why We May Share Your Personal Information

Our everyday business purposes: We may use the information you provide us to process your transactions, maintain your account(s), determine whether you qualify for programs offered through third parties, and to respond to court orders and legal investigations. You may not opt out of the sharing of your personal information when used for our everyday business practices.

For our marketing purposes: We may use the information you provide us to offer our products and services to you. You may opt out of having your information used in this manner by informing us in accordance with the instructions provided in every marketing communication we employ (i.e., via telephone, e-mail, or direct mail). You may also contact us directly and request that we add you to our Do-Not-Call list.

State Law Privacy Rights

You may have other privacy protections under applicable state laws. To the extent these state laws apply, we will comply with them when we share information about you.

For California residents: In accordance with California law, we will not share information we collect about you with companies outside of our corporate family, except as permitted by law, including, for example, with your consent or to service your account. We will limit sharing among our companies to the extent required by California law.

For Vermont residents: In accordance with Vermont law, we will not share information we collect about you with companies outside of our corporate family, except as permitted by law, including, for example with your consent or to service your account. We will not share information about your creditworthiness within our corporate family except with your authorization or consent, but we may share information about our transactions or experiences with you within our corporate family without your consent.

For Nevada residents: We may contact our existing customers by telephone to offer additional educational products that we believe may be of interest to you. You have the right to opt out of these calls by adding your name to our internal do-not-call list. To opt out of these calls, or for more information about your opt out rights, please contact our customer service department. In addition, Nevada residents can contact the Nevada Attorney General for more information regarding opt out rights by calling 775-684-1100, emailing bcpinfo@ag.state.nv.us, or by writing to: Office of the Attorney General, Nevada Department of Justice, Bureau of Consumer Protection 100 North Carson Street, Carson City, NV 89701-4717

How We Protect Your Personal Information

To protect your personal information from unauthorized access and use, we use security measures that comply with federal law. These measures include computer safeguards, employee background checks, and secured files and buildings.